Emily Miller, the White River Partnership's monitoring coordinator, presents "The Rusty Crayfish: A White River Invader" on Wednesday, July 23, 10-11 a.m., at the Royalton Memorial Library, 23 Alexander Place, in South Royalton. Miller's program, which is free and presented as part of the library's "Fizz, Boom, Read" summer reading program, is designed for kindergarten through middle-school students. All are welcome --- parents, guardians, and caregivers, too!
During "The Rusty Crayfish" program, children will learn about the river foodweb, crayfish anatomy, and the impact of invasive species on the health of the White River. Children will also have the opportunity to handle live rusty crayfish.
Royalton Memorial Library
23 Alexander Place
South Royalton, Vermont
(802) 763-7094