UVM Professor David Feurzeig will perform a free concert on the Steinway grand piano at the Arkell Pavilion, Southern Vermont Arts Center in Manchester. He will also accompany a small vocal ensemble of students from local schools, including Flood Brook, Dorset, Red Fox, Maple Street, and MEMS, for a performance of "Colors of the Wind" from the Disney film "Pocahontas". The students will be directed by their voice teacher, Anne D'Olivo. The Play Every Town concert will benefit the Northshire environmental justice group, Earth Matters Manchester, and donations at the door are very welcome. The SVAC needs to know numbers of attendees ahead of time, so please respond via the Earth Matters FB page
https://www.facebook.com/groups/596932523983452 or contact Anne D'Olivo at dolivoanne@gmail.com For further information, go to the Play Every Town website at playeverytown.com
Mar 4, 2025, 7 AM to 7 PM
Silver Threads and Golden NeedlesMar 5, 2025
March Creativity Cave at MCLMar 5, 2025, 3:30 to 5 PM