We’re honored and excited to announce an evening presentation with Dave Jacke- author of ‘Edible Forest Gardens’ and the northeast’s most recognized permaculture pioneer- FREE and open to the public!
Ecological Culture Design: A Holistic View
Monday, July 21
Willow Crossing Farm
Johnson, VT
Lecture Description:
Nature operates based on a set of foundational laws and principles by which all systems must abide, or they fail. These principles have much to teach us about how to organize human societies. Fundamentally, permaculture aims to design complete cultural systems that consciously mimic ecosystem properties, principles, patterns, and processes.
Ecologically, culture functions as the primary adaptive mechanism of our species, and it is culture, as a whole system, that we must redesign. What is culture? How might we approach the design of cultures as whole systems in an ecological context? We can design systems that minimize stress and competition, and maximize cooperation, harmony, productivity, and diversity, while allowing each community member to remain true to their intrinsic nature. We’ll get into some ecological nitty gritty and imagine how we might use what we learn for our own purposes.
Dave will join us with extra special guest and Gap Mountain Permaculture co-founder Doug Clayton!
This is the first of a series of events which will be open to the community over the next few weeks as we host people from all over the country (and world) for our 7th Annual Permaculture Design Certification Course.
We’re so excited to continue of tradition of sharing our most excellent guests and bringing folks in to share in the experience of one of the nation’s most highly regarded Permaculture Courses!
All evening lectures are FREE and start at 7:30, donations to support farm reforestation and ecological regenerations are gratefully accepted and shared with our guests.
ALL ORGANIC FARM-SOURCED DINNER is served at 6 pm, and available by reservation only for a sliding scale fee of $12-20. We are happy to meet the needs of vegetarians, vegans, wheat intolerant, ethical omnivores, and localvores.
To join us for dinner, please contact Head Chef Emily Wheeler by phone or text message at
(802) 505-8882
For questions or driving directions, please contact Keith@ProspectRock.org or call (802) 734-1129
Will speak on Community Scale Permaculture and Permaculture Economics and share her experiences as a leading activist and empolyee-owner of a diversity of regenerative businesses.
More details to come.
Please visit www.ProspectRock.org
Interested in attending the course? Please call to see if there are any last-minute cancellations.
Next year’s is already beginning to fill! It will be July 19-31, 2015.
Thanks for SHARING this with your friends, interested networks and listservs, and on social media!
Please ‘like’ us on Facebook, and add your email address on the right hand side of our web page to be kept in the loop of other events.
Keith Morris
Prospect Rock Permaculture
Design and Education for Ecological Culture
P.O. Box 426
Jeffersonville, VT 05464
(802) 734-1129
"If we do not do the impossible, we shall be faced with the unthinkable."
Murray Bookchin (1921-2006)