Day in the Dirt at Guilford Central School

Past event
Apr 29, 2023, 9 AM to 12 PM

GCS Day in the Dirt!

Please join us on Saturday, April 29th, 9-12, to help out in the school gardens!

Families and community members will be gathering to work together in support of our school garden program. Possible projects include: planting a new butterfly garden, mulching, sprucing up plantings and play spaces, prepping garden spaces, and more

We'll supply projects, camaraderie, and snacks! Please bring: shovels, gardening tools, and wheelbarrows.

And, if you're in the mood, make a donation or join our fundraising team and help earn some money for our Farm to School Program and the Vermont Garden Network here:
This is not required to attend the work party!


After the Day in the Dirt, be sure to head over to the Springs Farm for the Egg Hunt and spring party!

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