Repair Café at Charlotte Congregational Church Vestry

Past event
Apr 15, 2023, 10 AM to 2 PM

Get your broken stuff ready! Co-hosted with Sustainable Charlotte, the Charlotte Grange and the Charlotte Library will be hosting the next Repair Cafe' on April 15 from 10 am to 2 pm. It is open to anyone in any town. Registering what you're bringing is really helpful. Please register here:[...]ink

So, what exactly is a Repair Cafe'? It's a 4- hour community party of talented local folks that will volunteer their handy skills to repair your broken stuff. Just bring your broken things to the Repair Cafe' and watch and learn as the handy folks do their magic. In the past we have had repairers fix the following...

Repair lamps–replace switches and cords, tighten wobbly bases
Repair jewelry (no soldering), replace watch batteries, fix watch bands,
Replace eyeglass screws
Repair camping and fishing gear
Repair furniture, cuckoo clocks, dolls, favorite toys (wooden, metal, or plastic)
Troubleshoot and/or repair small appliances, electronics, radios, fans, heaters, (de)humidifiers
Sharpen garden tools, replace wooden handles, repair electric trimmers
Sharpen knives, scissors, axes
Mend clothing by hand or sewing machine; repair holey knits; adjust sewing machines
Replace zippers
We have even offered the following services...
A squad of electronic repair folks to tackle more sophisticated electrical and computer issues

Contact with general questions, or with specific repair questions.

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Event Info

Charlotte Congregational Church, Church Hill Road, Charlotte, VT

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