Town of Isle La Motte
Select board Meeting Agenda
April 5 2023
6:00 p.m. @ School
1. Agenda.
2. Additions to agenda
3. Executive session if needed
4. Approve minutes from 3/6/23 and 3/17/23 Selectboard meetings
5. Warrants for payroll & payables
6. Monthly budget & balance sheet
7. 911 coordinator and Road Commissioner appointment
8. Road commissioner report
9. Review and prioritize proposed policies
10. Review potential grants, and prioritize
11. Begin planning ARPA community input gathering
12. Discuss ACO position
13. Discuss ongoing "at large" dog situation
14. Discuss key policy with Town Clerk
15. Vermont Opioid settlement sign on (tentative)
16. Update on CIUUSD offer of school materials to local organizations & non-profits
17. 911 compliance for Lakehurst approval
18. Green Up Day information
19. Rec Department Update
20. Other business.
21. Adjourn.
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