Hearing on Proposed Development Regulation Updates

Past event
Apr 17, 2023, 6:30 PM

The North Hero Select Board will hold a public hearing on Monday, April 17, 2023 at 6:30 PM. The purpose of this hearing is to receive comments from the public on the proposed updates to the North Hero Development Regulations. This is the next step in the process that will culminate with the voters of North Hero deciding whether to accept or reject the proposed updates.

I encourage anyone who would like to comment to first review the current documents. which are posted on the Town website:


Several changes have been made to the proposed regulations since the Planning Commission hearing last December. The most significant was adding the requirement for a Certificate of Occupancy back in.

Included in the posted documents are both a "clean" and an edited version of the regulations. The edited version clearly shows all of the changes being proposed to our current regulations. Also included is a summary table which itemizes all of the proposed changes with brief explanations. Finally, there is a Q&A document which includes questions from David Ehrich and answers from Greta Brunswick of the Northwest Regional Planning Commission. This Q&A document is important because it addresses many of the issues raised on FPF last fall. Most significantly, the accusation that the Planning Commission wants to "strip shoreland protection" in North Hero is shown to be totally without merit.

The proposed updates deserve additional discussion, and now is the opportunity for that to happen. The current version of the updated regulations will most likely change again prior to the vote, depending on comments received. My hope is that we can voice our opinions and move forward in a respectful manner. The last thing I want to see is another round of misleading, sensationalized and toxic postings on FPF. Our community is much better than that!

Thank you.

Andy Alling
North Hero Planning Commission Chair

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