Please join the CFD2 Board for its next regular meeting on April 3rd at 5:30pm.
Tentative Agenda:
- Approve minutes from last meeting
- Status of the state's loan amendment review
- Well 7 Update
- Generator project amendment
- Treasurer/Finance Committee Report
- Status of efforts to move bottled water drop off/pick up to CA and Sterling
- Update on review of CFD2 By-laws and Ordinance
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 873 2415 2544
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Meeting ID: 873 2415 2544
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Mar 4, 2025, 6 AM
Stained Glass WorkshopMar 8, 2025, 10 AM to 2 PM
Box Supper Social AuctionMar 8, 2025, 6 to 9 PM