Lincoln Development Review Board Meeting - Agenda

Past event
Apr 5, 2023, 6:30 PM

Wednesday, April 5, 2023 at 6:30 PM

To be held at the Lincoln Town Office and remotely via Zoom:

Meeting ID: 853 8551 3806
Passcode: 214881
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)

1 Call to order
A) Establish quorum is present.
B) Introductions by DRB members and Zoom participants.
****Zoom participants will be removed from the meeting unless they state their name and turn on the camera briefly for the record when called upon by a member of the DRB. Communicating this information is necessary to maintain an accurate attendance record for the meeting. ****
C) (**) Agenda adjustments and approval.

2 (***) Public Comment – [Opportunity to briefly (5 min. max.) present issues, ideas, and concerns on current issues, events and topics not found elsewhere on this agenda. Some issues may require more agenda time scheduled for a later meeting date]
[If time allows public comment on agenda items MAY be heard if present issues, ideas allowed by the chair or by unanimous assent of the board members present.]

3 (***) Continuation of the Public Hearing for Waiver Application #22-093 as requested by Eric Hartman of Harvestar, LLC on behalf of Kerry Malloy for a timber mounted solar frame, Parcel I.D. #01070340.000 at 876 East River Road, Lincoln, VT.

A) Applicant has requested a continuation. LCP has hired Vermont Underground Locators to use their technology to precisely locate the leach field and septic. The work is scheduled for April 19th and hope to have the results ready for the next regularly scheduled meeting to be held on May 3, 2023 at the Town Office starting at 6:30 pm.

4 Old Business
A ) Past Meeting Minutes adjustments and approval.
(*) 3.1.2023
(*) 3.8.2023
B) Update regarding DRB vacancies.
C) Other items as needed.

5 New Business
A) Future Agenda items.
(**) Review items to be discussed at the next meeting.
B) Other items as needed.

6 (*) Adjournment

*Decision Item **Possible Decision Item ***Discussion Only

The Lincoln DRB is committed to make meetings accessible for all. At this time, all meetings are held in person with an on-line option via ZOOM. If you need special accommodations to take part in this meeting, please call 453-2980 as far in advance as possible.
Wednesday, April 5, 2023

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