Outdoor Painting

Past event
Jul 18, 2014

Outdoor painting will have its first session this Friday, the 18th, at Marijke's Perennial Gardens on Robert Young Rd. at 6 p.m. Jim Geier will bring some canvas paper, acrylic paints and easels and those who have their own supplies should bring whatever supplies they enjoy using. This is not a class, just a time to be creative. Beginners through advanced artists are welcome. If you have any questions, call Vera at 453-3597 or email at vryersbach@hotmail.com.

I would like to put together a list of folks who are interested in being notified on a regular basis about dates, times and places for future outdoor paintings, as well as cancellations, so it would be good if you sent Vera your email information.

See you Friday.

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