Holy Week at FCCB of Berlin

Past event
Apr 2 to 9, 2023

Berlin, VT – The First Congregational Church of Berlin is offering a unique experience during Holy Week this year. On Good Friday and Holy Saturday the church sanctuary will be open to the public for a meditative, interactive walk through Seven Stations of the Cross, based on the Seven Last Words of Christ. The church will be open from Noon to 4:00pm on Good Friday and from 9am to 2pm on Holy Saturday. The walk is self-guided and very meaningful. Participants are encouraged to take their time and experience the spiritual aspects of the walk at their own pace.

Holy Week at the church begins on Palm Sunday, April 2nd, with a 9:30 worship service, featuring live palms and lively music! Selections will be provided by the Bell Choir, performing the piece "Hosanna, Loud Hosanna" arranged by Betty Lambert; and the Chancel Choir will sing the rousing black spiritual, "Ain't No Rock Gonna' Shout for Me" by J. Paul Williams and Lloyd Larson. The traditional hot-crossed buns will be served at Coffee Hour and each person will receive a handmade palm cross to take home.

The Maundy Thursday Service will be held at 7:00pm on April 6th. The service will be a traditional Tenebrae service with communion, as a way to memorialize the Last Supper.

-more-more-more- FCCB 03/19/23 Press Release—add 1 A service of Tenebrae (Shadows) begins with all the candles lit and as each reading is shared, one candle is snuffed, so that by the time the service is over, the congregation is in complete darkness to signify the somber mood, tragic feeling and betrayal of this pivotal event for Christians. The Choir will be singing "Come to the Shadows" by Joseph M. Martin.

Easter morning will be welcomed with the lighting of the "new fire" at a Sunrise Service at 6:00am at the top of Hill Street. For information about this service see our website at https://fccbvt.org/. Our regular family Easter Service will be at 9:30am. The Bell Choir will open the service with Palestrina's Victory, "The Strife is O'Er, the Battle Won." The Chancel Choir will be singing Natalie Sleeth's anthem "Christ is Arisen, Indeed!" The service will be followed by an egg hunt for the children in the grove behind the church. FMI: contact Pastor Alison at 802-229-0338.

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