Branching Out: Author Talks at Cabot Library – Spring 2023 Series – Tuesday, March 28th – 7pm
The first in an 8-part series – Jane Brown co-author of West Danville, Vermont Then and Now, 1791 – 2021 is Danville Historical Society's most recent publication and will be the topic of their presentation. The Danville Historical Society is a non-profit educational institution whose mission is to promote an understanding of the history of Danville, VT, by collecting, preserving, exhibiting, and interpreting that history and its relationship to the region and nation beyond to audiences of all ages and interests.
See you at the library!
Mar 4, 2025, 1:30 PM
Ash Wednesday Worship ServiceMar 5, 2025, 5:30 to 6:30 PM
Thursday Night Trivia at Highland LodgeMar 6, 2025, 7 to 9 PM