Final Hearing Followed by RIDWG Historic Neighborhoods

Past event
Mar 29, 2023, 5 to 7 PM

At 5 pm the Final public hearing will be held for the Community Development Block Grants- Light Up BF and Town Facilities. Light Up BF paid for the lights, install, snowflakes, banners, tents and sandwich board signs for BFDDA. Town Facilities procured lights at Waypoint, picnic tables, bar table and stools, folding tables and chairs, trailer for storage, tents- 1 large and 1 small, kiosks at Rockingham Meeting House, Bulletin Case for Kiosk at Town Hall At 530 pm, Join the Rockingham Incremental Development Working Group(RIDWG) in the Lower Theater of Town Hall for a presentation by the Historical Society on Historic Neighborhoods. Mark your calendars for a Community Meet & Greet on Saturday, April 29 1030-12 hosted by RIDWG!

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Lower Theater at Bellows Falls Opera House Bellows Falls, VT

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