WCL Trustees Special Meeting March 26

Past event
Mar 26, 2023, 11 to 11:30 AM

Woodbury Community Library
Trustees Special Meeting Agenda
Sunday, March 26, 2023, 11:00 AM — 11:30 AM

This meeting will be held remotely according to Vermont Legislature Act 1 (H.42) of 2023 signed by the Governor on January 25, 2023. The public may attend by computer or telephone. If using a computer, enter the following Zoom Meeting ID: 880 2750 5748 and Passcode: 158664. If using a telephone, dial 1 646 558 8656 US (New York), then as prompted, enter Meeting ID 880 2750 5748, followed by the # sign (Passcode: 158664). Public access to the meeting will begin at 10:55 AM in order to resolve potential technical difficulties, and to ensure connectivity before the meeting begins at 11:00 AM. To use Zoom use this link
or visit website https://zoom.us to 'Sign Up Free', then 'Join A Meeting'. If you experience technical difficulties, contact Trustee Sara VanHof at svanhof23@gmail.com.

Meeting ID: 880 2750 5748
Passcode: 158664

11:00 AM Begin
• Additions/Changes to the agenda
• Public Comment

11:05 AM Vermont Department of Libraries' Capital Projects Needs Assessment Form and Capital Projects Grant

11:30 AM Adjourn

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