When: Apr 5, 2023, 12 to 6 PM
Where: 20 Church St, Richmond, VT
The Richmond Congregational Church (20 Church St) will be hosting an American Red Cross blood drive on April 5 from noon to 6PM. Appointments are required. Call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or go online to https://www.redcrossblood.org/ for more information, and to make an appointment. Or, email dthomas@gmavt.net for assistance. There are plenty of slots between 1:30 and 4:30PM
Surgeries deferred by the COVID pandemic, along with normal needs has increased the demand for blood products. Couple the higher demand with a declining donor base (aging out) creates extreme pressure on the blood bank supplies. It's a great time to introduce high school seniors to yet another way to give back to their community by donating blood. Loyal donors can ask a first time donor to accompany them to share the "feel good" experience. We are building on our success from the past two RCC drawings where wait times have been shorter because of an expanded team oriented staff. Please consider helping us match or exceed our goal again. It will help put "Spring" in your step.
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