As of 2012, about 50 million Americans were food insecure. This was approx.. 1 in 6 of the overall population, with the proportion of children facing food insecurity even higher at about 1 in 4. One in every two children receive federal food assistance. The film sees directors Kristi Jacobson and Lori Silverbush examine the issue of hunger in America, largely through the stories of three people suffering from food insecurity. A Place at the Table shows how hunger poses serious economic, social, and cultural implications for the United States, and that the problem can be solved once and for all, if the American public decides – as they have in the past – that making healthy food available and affordable is in everyone's best interest.
Where: St John’s Episcopal Church, East Church St Hardwick Cost: Admission is by donation of funds or food – all donations go to the Hardwick Area Food Pantry