Does Your Child Have an IEP? If So, We Need Your Input!
Partnership for Change and Youth Catalytics are conducting a study of family-school communication in Burlington and Winooski.
The study includes 1) interviews with parents selected at random and 2) focus groups in Winooski and Burlington.
Results from this study will help the school districts improve communication with families.
If you have not already been interviewed for this study,
please join us to share your experiences and ideas!
Open to parents with children entering 7th-12th grades who have an IEP or special learning needs
(in Burlington & Winooski public middle and high schools)
Snacks will be provided. Each person will receive $20 cash for participating.
IEP Group Time & Date:
Tuesday, Sept. 10
7:00 pm-8:30 pm
1138 Pine Street, Burlington
Please contact Jen Smith to RSVP and to get more information, including directions. Call (603) 729-3690 or email
RSVP required.
Mar 8, 2025, 5 to 10 PM
Burlington Elks Lodge #916 BingoMar 10, 2025, 4:30 to 9:30 PM
Community Safety Forum #4 - Hate and Bias IncidentsMar 13, 2025, 5:30 to 7 PM