The Town of Barre Community Forest Management Plan Committee will hold a Public Meeting on Monday, March 20, 2023, beginning at 6:00 p.m. in Conference Room #3 at the Municipal Building, 149 Websterville Road, to consider the following:
1. Call to Order: 6:00pm
2. Consider Approving Agenda
3. Consider Approving March 13th Meeting Minutes
4. Receive Public Input (for non-agenda items) 6:05pm
5. Updates from Recreation Director 6:10pm
6. Final Review of Public Survey 6:25pm
a. Finalize survey for distribution
b. Discuss methods of survey distribution
7. Continue Review of Community Forest Management Plan 7:10pm
a. The review of the CFMP will begin on page 17, IV. Infrastructure
8. Tentative Agenda for March 27th Meeting 7:55pm
9. 'Round the Table
10. Adjourn 8:00pm
All meetings of the CFMP Committee are open to the public to attend in person or remote. If you or your group would care to be considered as a future Agenda item please contact Recreation Director Johnny Crossley at . Meeting Minutes and Agendas can be found on the Town of Barre webpage under Boards & Committees, Community Forest Management Plan Committee.
Feb 1, 2025, 7:30 to 11 PM
Moving Breathing Birth: Childbirth ClassFeb 2, 2025, 1:45 to 3:45 PM
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