BUUSD Negotiations Committee Meeting

Past event
Mar 23, 2023, 5 PM

There will be a Barre Unified Union School District Negotiations Committee meeting on March 20, 2023 at 5:00 pm.

Remote Options:
Meeting Link: http://meet.google.com/gce-cfpj-rkn
Phone: (US)+1 541-583-0329 PIN: 985 506 346#
If you attend the meeting remotely, you must state your name for the record to satisfy the Open Meeting Law.

In-Person Option: BUUSD Central Office, 120 Ayers Street, Barre

Paper copies of the Agenda packet may be requested via Sara Gaboriault (sgabobsu@buusd.org) or by calling the BUUSD Central Office at 802-476-5011. An electronic version can be found at the following link: https://resources.finalsite.net/images/v1678990243/bsuvtorg/i8vsf7o5yx7d6vvmpnn2/2023-03-20-[...]pdf

Previous meeting recordings for the BUUSD Negotiations Committee can be found at the following link: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLL1BzqlvS-Ov0g5pex672uT2C1eU1MuZY

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BUUSD Central Office, 120 Ayers Street, Barre

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