All are invited to our annual James P. Taylor Outdoor Adventure Speaker Series program, hosted by the Green Mountain Club's Bread Loaf Section. Our featured speaker this year is Drew Clymer, Department of Public Safety Search and Rescue Coordinator for the State of Vermont. Join this experienced and informative speaker in person in Middlebury as he explains the framework of search and rescue in Vermont, tells stories from the field, and offers tips on how to stay safe.
The program will be held in person at the Champlain Valley Unitarian Universalist Society in Middlebury ( Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Light refreshments served. Admission is free. Donations (optional) are accepted to support the Green Mountain Club's work.
There is an optional registration process to help us keep a count of how many plan to attend. Of course, you will not be turned away if you don't register! All are welcome.
To register with GMC for this program: