5:00 PM
Tuesday, March 14, 2022
Middlesex Town Hall and by Zoom
5 Church Street
Middlesex, Vermont 05602
(802) 223-5915
1. Call to order/amendments/welcoming guests
5:02 ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING (Action likely on all the following items.)
2. Appointment of Select Board Chair. Consideration of Chair's voting status.
3. Appointment of Select Board Vice-Chair
4. Designating time and place for Select Board meetings.
5. Designating newspaper of record.
6. Appointment of Road Commissioner
7. (Re)appointments to the following town positions
a) Town Lister*
b) Development Review Board Member
c) Budget Committee Members – 3 positions available *
c) Emergency Management Coordinator
d) Fire Warden
e) Tree Warden
f) Wrightsville Beach Management Representative
g) Recreation Director
h) E911 Coordinator
i) Collector of Delinquent Taxes*
8. Reappointing David Lawrence as Middlesex representative to the Central Vermont Internet Board.
9. Reappointing Dell McDonough as Middlesex's representative to the Central Vermont Solid Waste Management District.
10. Reappointing Ronald Krauth as Middlesex's representative to the Central Vermont Regional Planning Commission.
11. Review, discussion and possible modification of the Vermont League of Cities and Towns model Rules of Procedure. Action unlikely
* As elected positions, appointments are only until the March 2024 Town Meeting.
5:45 Approval of the February 21, 2023, regular Select Board meeting minutes and minutes of the February 28, 2023 Informational meeting minutes. Action likely
5:47 Reviewing and possibly amending the agenda for the March 14, 2023 Special Select Board meeting. Action likely.
5:50 Considering applying for Community Capacity Building Mini-Grants of $4,000 "Funds may be used to hire a consultant to identify candidate municipally owned buildings in need of energy efficiency improvements and provide grant application assistance for free energy resilience assessments." Action possible
6:10 Highway Report: Updates on road conditions and highway issues. Action possible.
6:20 Treasurer's Report: Updates on the Town's financial issues. Action possible.
- Correspondence: considering Sandra Vitzhum's request for Select Board endorsement of an application for a Federal Department of Energy grant to develop better administration of Vermont's energy codes. Action possible
- Orders
- Any other matter that may come before the Board.
6:50 Adjournment
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