***Calling all local musicians, dramatists, closet-divas, comedians, poets, artists!!! Professional to amateur, dabblers encouraged! There are still slots open for performing & we are still accepting raffle donations of art, crafts, goods & services!!***
Contact me if you'd like to volunteer a 10-15 minute set of your talents (family friendly!), help out with the event, or donate goods to be raffled. Local businesses are more than welcome & encouraged to contribute. I will get back to you, with gratitude 🙏.
EVENT: Join us in Northfield, VT for an evening of local talent, music, arts, family-fun, karaoke & prizes!!
We'll kick off the evening with a Variety Show featuring local talent of all sorts, shapes & sizes! We'll then roll right into Community Karaoke!!! Peruse an assortment of prizes offered up for raffle while you enjoy the show & then grab the mic yourself, should you feel so inclined!
Nitin's Night: Saturday March 18th at 7PM
United Church of Northfield / 58 S Main St Northfield, VT
Nitin is 7 years old and lives in the care of the Shri Shri Gita Society at the Grace Divinity House in Varanasi India. A brilliant child with a kind heart, Nitin was born with conditions that interfere with his speech. Corrective surgery is scheduled for March 24th! Our goal is $1550 USD.
Raffle Prizes Include: Arts, Crafts, Massage Therapy, Services, Winter Gear & More!!!
Contact: Jem at jennifermusic3@yahoo.com or text (802) 279-6864 with any questions, or to lend a hand or donate your talents and/or goods & services!
Suggested Donations: Door - $10/Person, Karaoke Entry - $5/Song
Raffle Entry: one for $5 / 3 for $10 / 8 for $20 / 25 for $50!!
DONATE: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/shrishrigitasociety
100% of funds raised + your love & care will go directly to support Nitin's cause..♥️
✨Thank you so much for reading, neighbors!✨
Mar 4, 2025, 10 AM to 7 PM
Free Community Choir on WednesdaysMar 5, 2025, 7 to 8:45 PM
Coffee with Lamoille County Forester Emily PotterMar 6, 2025, 9:30 to 11 AM