Learn About Veterans' Experiences This Saturday

Past event
Mar 11, 2023, 11 AM to 3 PM

South Burlington Public Library will be hosting a day of events inviting community members to get to know local veterans, including:

There and Back: The Veterans' Journey: 11am
For people who have never experienced military life, books and movies provide the lens for going to war. Today, Veterans who have served in several wars, some in combat, others not, will join moderator Bob Stock, from the South Burlington Vet Center, to share their experiences. What formed our warriors? What led them to serve? How were they trained? How did they handle reentry and building a life afterwards? The panelists reflect the diversity of service members, and their experiences reflect the changes in our military over decades.

Vets Town Hall: 1pm
It takes courage to stand up and speak. Veterans of any era who served in any capacity are invited to stand before their community and speak for up to then minutes about what it was like to serve their country.

It also takes courage to sit down and listen. Non-veterans are encouraged to attend and listen. There will be no debate about American foreign policy, simply listening. A moderated Q&A will follow the presentations. Bring your questions and get to know your Veterans!

The Town Hall will be moderated by Nic Thornbro from Vermont Veterans Outreach Program. RSVPs are encouraged but optional at www.vtvetstownhall.org

Parking is free. The Library is ADA accessible. Please call 802-846-4140 to request additional services.

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South Burlington Public Library, Market Street, South Burlington, VT

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