La Leche League of Lamoille County

Past event
Jun 8, 2023, 11 AM to 12 PM

LLL of Lamoille County meets on the second Thursday of each month at 11am at the Morristown Centennial Library.

Meetings are open to all families who are providing breast milk to their child or would like to learn about providing human milk to their child. If you are exclusively breastfeeding, dual feeding, supplementing, using donor milk, chest-feeding, exclusively pumping, nursing an older baby/toddler, or expecting a child, we welcome you.

We can help you meet your own breastfeeding goals by providing information, support, and encouragement from pregnancy to weaning. At monthly meetings you will find practical tips and suggestions from others as well as a safe place to share the joys, challenges and secrets of breastfeeding/human milk feeding success. Bring along your questions and issues, come along to support other parents, and find support while including your little one.

Babies and children are welcome at all our meetings.

Questions? Contact Joy Many at

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Morristown Centennial Library, Richmond Street, Morrisville, VT

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