Looking for Girl Scout Cookies? We will be having a drive-thru cookie booth on Tuesday, March 7th from 3:30 pm to 6:00 pm in front of the Hinesburg Fire Department, 10340 Rte 116, Hinesburg, VT 05461.
We currently have 9 different flavors of Girl Scout Cookies available: Adventurefuls, Lemon-Ups, Trefoils, Do-si-dos, Samoas, Tagalongs, Thin Mints, Girl Scout S'mores and Toffee-tastic.
All flavors are $5 a box.
Cookie sales are the only fundraiser that our troop does. With the money we earn, we fund our program including a lot of fun, community service and educational activities like trainings, museum overnights and trips.
If you miss us, but still want cookies, you can also order them on-line and have them delivered locally for free at: https://digitalcookie.girlscouts.org/scout/liliane256221
Thanks for your support and for supporting the Hinesburg Girl Scout Troop. If you have any questions please email us! Thank you!
Feb 12, 2025, 6 to 8 PM
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