Cabin Fever Rootstock Reading

Past event
Mar 18, 2023, 1 to 2 PM

Join Rootstock Publishing for an hour with local authors! Readers include:

Children's book author Melissa Perley (The Violin Family);

Poet Scudder Parker (Safe as Lightning);

Novelist Marjorie Nelson Matthews (Hawai'i Calls);

Historian Rick Winston (Red Scare in the Green Mountains);

Mystery writer Bernie Lambek (Uncivil Liberties and An Intent to Commit);

Humorist Bill Mares (I Could Hardly Keep from Laughing);

Designer/daughter of the author Dana Dwinell-Yardley (Alzheimer's Canyon);

Mystery writer Sam Clark (The Inland Sea);

Novelist Celia Ryker (Augusta);

Memoirist Kim Cheney (A Lawyer's Life to Live).

Books will be for sale and publisher Samantha Kolber will be available to answer questions about publishing. Free and open to the public. Part of Montpelier Alive's Cure for Cabin Fever Weekend!

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Kellogg-Hubbard Library, Main Street, Montpelier, VT

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