Recreation Committee Meeting

Past event
Mar 9, 2023, 7 to 8:30 PM

The previous posting contained the wrong Zoom link. This posing has the correct Zoom link:

Town of Richmond
Recreation Committee Meeting Agenda
THURS, March 9, 2023 at 7 - 8:30 PM
Hybrid- Town Office Conference Room, 3rd Floor

Join Zoom Meeting:
Join by phone: (929) 205-6099
Meeting ID: 852 2075 2341

I. Call to Order (by 7:05pm)
II. Welcome
III. Public comment for non-agenda items (7:05-7:15)
IV. Business: (7:40 - 8:30)
A. Administration: (Sheri) Approval of Minutes from previous meeting: 2.7.2023 and Duncan report on when the playground structure will be inspected.
B. Outreach:
i. Website (Kirsten) Discuss how to set up the new rec page. Review these links for idea:
1. Should we clarify on the webpage to respond to concerns we heard from ARPA Committee and recently written in the Times Ink March 2023, page 7, section about recreational appointment, "I am trying to understand the rationale of having people from other Towns on our committee". "Do they contribute in any way," which reference Bolton and Huntington towns' financial contribution?
2. Next Steps
ii. Community engagement for Volunteers Green cleanup day. What about May Green Up Day? What is the work to be prioritized? Request for supplies (e.g., mulch) to Selectboard? Outreach?
1. Next Steps
C. Volunteer's Green Improvements and Budget Options:
i. Town Budget Rec line items: $3,000 maintenance and $3,000 equipment. Rec Committee requests. Last year $3000 equipment was not used. If Committee finds items to repair from the inspection of the playground or add wood chips, let Josh/Duncan know. The Recreation Committee has no authority over the budget.
ii. Update: (Sheri, Kate, Duncan) what recommendations did the ARPA Committee make? The Rec Committee Recommendation is for $249,000 for new playground equipment and mat installation, benches, tables, band shell repairs and landscaping, trash/recycling, Gaga Pit, and signage.
iii. Capital Plan Budget Request: What about small add on structures to the playground? $10,000 per year? Could also cover other improvements as suggested by the redesign presented at the Feb meeting (e.g., discussed soccer field, basketball/ice rink combo, and a pavilion for events). Resource link to last year's Town Report. The Recreation section is on page 70 of the .pdf. The link to the Town Plan. Starting on page 41, it lists some of the Action Items associated with different Committees.
iv. Conservation Fund: Review the criteria for funding.
v. Next Steps:
D. Next meeting: set agenda items for next meeting
E. Motion to Adjourn: 8:30

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