Had a sing-along at the Richmond Library a few weeks ago. Well, we're gonna do it again. Coming up is the late winter edition of the C-O sing-a-long. (C-O: campfire optional). Tuesday, March 14th at 7:00pm. Once again we're meeting in the community room of the Richmond Library. Not outdoors, so we won't have stars overhead, campfires or s'mores. What we will have is beautiful acoustics in the community room and guaranteed no mosquitoes, no humidity, no chance of rain. We'll have songbooks and an instrument or two to (hopefully) keep us in tune. We'll go through the songbooks and pick what we want. Just a good time singing all those great old campfire songs we've enjoyed over the years (and including many newer favorites). So come, join us. As always, singing chops not required, just a desire to have a pleasant evening among friends.
Mar 7, 10 AM to Mar 9, 2025
Cabin Fever CalcuttaMar 8, 2025, 5 to 10 PM
Join Vermont's Freedom & Unity ChorusMar 11, 2025, 7 to 9 PM