Edye Graning and Trevor Squirrell will be at Mount Mansfield High School before town meeting to answer any questions folks may have about what's been happening this session in the legislature. We will be making a brief presentation at the Jericho Town Meeting and then heading to the Underhill Town Meeting at Browns River Middle School to talk to participants there. If you are unable to make it, attached is a link to our Town Meeting Report which gives highlights of the legislation that is currently moving through the Statehouse.
We have been meeting with neighbors at the Deborah Rawson Library once a month. The next event there is on Thursday, March 16 from 6-7pm. Please join us if you are able. There will be a remote participation option at the library events!
Thank you for your continued support! We appreciate hearing from you!
Dec 27, 2024
Alpha Film Series at St. John Vianney ChurchDec 27, 2024, 6:15 to 8:30 PM
Divine Moving Burlington VermontDec 29, 2024