How to Research All Current Legislation from 2012-2014 Session

Past event
Jul 11, 2014, 12 to 12 AM

Are you curious about what bills passed this year? Summaries of all the bills signed into law this year can be found under “highlights” on the main legislative web page.  You can find a list of every Act with a link to its summary on this link: or to search by subject or topic area, you can go to

Being your representative is such an honor and privilege.  I look forward to hearing from you this summer and if I don’t run into you-on the bike path, at the Farmer’s Market on Thursdays behind the Elks Club on North Ave., or walking the dog, please continue to contact me , I’d be happy to get together.  See you soon.

My contact information is:
802-658-0492 (Home)
802-598-5240 (Cell)
37 Village Green

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