The Essex Selectboard will meet Monday, July 14th at 7:30 p.m. in the Conference Room of the Municipal Building at 81 Main Street. The agenda includes:
- A public hearing on proposed zoning changes related to the Resource Preservation District-Industrial (a.k.a. "Saxon Hill). Visit (click on All Notices/News) for more information.
- Appointments and re-appointments to the Planning Commission, Library Board of Trustees, and Conservation Committee;
- A community engagement discussion with Heart and Soul representatives regarding the Budget-to-Ballot initiative;
- A discussion on additional process elements for the review of the proposed zoning changes related to the RPD-I/Saxon Hill;
- A discussion on forming a Human Services Committee, related to the award of human service organization contributions;
- A discussion and decision on moving forward with the analysis of 81 Main Street;
- Review of draft stormwater ordinance changes;
- A discussion on a proposal to lease space on the new police facility radio tower (which would include a tower extension) to one or more cell providers;
- Review of a letter of support for a sidewalk grant application (Towers Road);
- Designation of posting places for meeting agendas and a discussion of recent changes to the State's open meeting law;
- Approval of the FYE15 municipal and school tax rates;
- Potential ratification of a collective bargaining agreement between the Town and employees represented by AFSCME;
- Review and approval of the minutes of the 6/16 meeting and 6/22 work session.
The agenda may be viewed in its entirety at (Local Government>Boards&Committees>Selectboard>Agendas). Call the Town Manager's office (878-1341) with questions, or email
Mar 5, 2025, 6 to 6 PM
International Women's Day CelebrationMar 6, 2025, 10 AM to 12 PM
Vermont Repertory Theatre: Sweeney ToddMar 6, 2025, 7:30 to 10 PM