An Acadian Genealogy Primer

Past event
Mar 11, 2023, 10:30 AM to 12 PM

In this course Donlon Hurtubise will provide: 1) a review of Acadia (largely today's Nova Scotia and New Brunswick) from its founding, through the brutal deportations of Acadians under British rule during that is referred to as the Great Upheaval or Le Grand Dérangement that commenced in 1755; 2) an overview of the post 1755 geographic distribution of our Acadian ancestors in exile; and 3) a focus on what is known about the reassembly of some exiled Acadian families in Quebec. This primer will contain a significant number of maps and charts, as well as suggestions for specific resources and locations of interest to those exploring their Acadian roots.

This class for the Vermont Genealogy Library will be a Zoom webinar from 10:30 to noon. Cost is $10.00. Please visit our website, for additional details and for registration.

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