Contact Improv Class!

Past event
Mar 12, 2023, 3 to 4:30 PM

The Montpelier Contact Improv community is excited to welcome Michelle Lefkowitz from the Burlington CI community to teach in our monthly class series. Michelle is a wealth of experience and a true delight to be around.

TITLE: Grounding Down to Lift Up: The Physics of Lifts
In the class we'll be exploring the physics of lifts. We'll begin by learning about
hands, feet and breath. We'll explore a bit of Acrobatic Flow from the work of
Kenan Dinkelman.

DATE: Sunday, March 12th 3:00-4:30pm
LOCATION: Contemporary Dance and Fitness Studio on Langdon Street in Montpelier
COST: Sliding scale $10-30

Class will be followed by an open jam from 4:30-6:00
Jam attendance only is welcome and we ask a donation between $5-15

BIO: Michelle Lefkowitz has been studying Contact Improv Dance for over 25 years. She's studied with Nancy Stark Smith (may she rest in peace), Martin Keogh, Kirsten Simpson, Lani Nahele, Andrew Harwood, Anya Cloud, Daniel Bear Davis, Chris Aiken and Angie Hauser, Kristen Horrigan, Patrick Crowley, Neige Christenson and too many more to name!

Out of her love of the dance form she's been an organizer of the Burlington International Contact Jam for well over 20 years and is the lead organizer for the weekly contact jam in Burlington.

She has also studied Axis Syllabus with Daniel Bear Davis and Nuria Bowart and Body Mind Centering on line with Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen. She's a certified Kripalu Yoga Teacher with a 48 year daily practice and she earned a Second Degree Black Belt in Aikido.

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