Underhill Town Meeting - Live and in Person

Past event
Mar 7, 2023, 9 AM to 12 PM

We are back to in-person Town Meeting in Underhill. Live and in person Tuesday, March 7, 2023 at 9:00 AM. The general and highway budgets will be voted from the floor so it is imperative to be at Brown's River Middle School at 9:00 AM so your voice can be heard.

Also, if you haven't registered your dog yet, I will have a table set up and can register your dog there as long as you have a current rabies certificate for me or it is currently on file at Town Hall. $12.00 to register your spayed or neutered dog. This year if you register by the end of the day on Town Meeting Day, your dog (and you) will be entered into the raffle to win a $50 gift card to Amazon.

Thank you,


Jennifer Silpe-Katz
Finance Officer
Human Resources Administrator
Animal Control Officer
Town of Underhill
PO BOX 120
Underhill, Vermont 05489
802-899-4434 EXT. 2

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Browns River Middle School, River Road, Jericho, VT

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