Hinesburg Artist Series Concert Celebrates 25 Years

Past event
Mar 12, 2023, 2 to 3 PM

Hinesburg Artist Series Celebrates 25 years of Music and Memories This will be an amazing concert. PLEASE get your tickets and support our amazing musicians. Many of them were in the first HAS concert in 1997.

The 25th season of the Hinesburg Artist Series will feature the South County Chorus and the Hinesburg Artist Series Orchestra under the direction of Rufus Patrick. The concert will celebrate the memory of Brian Busier, Marshall Webb and others. This 25th performance will feature the music of Rutter, Fasch, Forrest, Clausen and Hayes. The concert will also present solo performances by oboist Dan Frostman and guest cellist Jiwon Lee.

Concerts will be at 2 p.m. and again at 4:30 p.m. Sunday March 12, at St. Jude Catholic Church in Hinesburg.

Tickets for the concert are $25.00 and available at the door or you can order at the HAS website, https://www.hinesburgartistseries.org
or the Eventbrite link

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St. Jude Church Hinesburg

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