Input Forums for Acsd Superintendent Search

Past event
Feb 27, 2023, 4 to 7:30 PM

Reminder to the ACSD Community: The ACSD Board is offering two final in-person forums for parents, caregivers, and community members to share their priorities for our Superintendent Search Process:

– Monday, February 27, 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. at Mary Hogan School
– Monday, February 27, 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. at Shoreham Elementary School

The forums will be moderated by McPherson & Jacobson, LLC, and will ask 4 primary questions:

1. What makes our community a good place to live?
2. What makes this a good school district for students and staff?
3. What are the issues that a new superintendent needs to know about when he or she comes into the District?
4. What skills, qualities, and characteristics will the new superintendent need in order to be successful?

Please consider attending one of the above forums to share your input. As a reminder, here is a brief overview of the search process:

Superintendent Search Process and Timeline

February 2023:
-- ACSD students, staff, parents and community share feedback about their priorities through forums moderated by McPherson & Jacobson, LLC and an online survey. These feedback channels will help the Board understand the community's needs and hopes for the new superintendent.

March 2023:
-- Community feedback helps the Board craft the superintendent job posting.
-- The ACSD Superintendent position is posted to several nation-wide education advertising venues.
-- McPherson & Jacobson, LLC screens applicants for basic qualifications and initial reference checks. Works with the Board to finalize position details and interview process.
-- Board identifies key stakeholders to participate in the interview process.

April 2023:
-- Board selects viable candidates for interviews and school tours with Board and key stakeholders (mid-April).
-- Board identifies top 1-2 candidates. McPherson & Jacobson, LLC conducts extensive background/reference checks.

Early May 2023:
-- Board selects a new superintendent to start on or around July 1, 2023.
Please continue to check for developments as we continue through the process. If you have any questions about the process, or can't attend the forums and want to share your thoughts, please reach out to Mary Heather Noble, ACSD Board member and Communications & Engagement Committee Chair at or 802-382-1700.

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