Dear Neighbors,
This coming Wednesday, March 1 at 7pm, the Wards 5 and 6 Neighborhood Planning Assemblies (NPAs) are jointly sponsoring a:
Do you have questions about "Proposition Zero" (Ballot Question #8)? Would you like to hear more from the three candidates (Will Anderson, FaRied Munarsyah, and Joan Shannon) for the South End District City Council seat? This is your chance to engage with the candidates and hear from them about this ballot question.
I am excited to join my Ward 5 City Councilor colleague, Ben Traverse, in moderating this candidate forum focused on Ballot Question #8 ("Proposition Zero"). This event will take place on Wednesday, March 1st, 7-8:30 PM, with great appreciation to the Greek Orthodox Church, 600 Willard Street (access from the parking lot on Ledge Road) for offering us their community space.
You can attend in person at the church (doors will not open prior to 6:45) or on-line*.*
**There are several ways tune in for the meeting remotely**
1. Join via Zoom:
(Meeting ID: 810 2785 6568, No Password)
2. Call in for audio only:
1-929-205-6099 meeting ID:81027856568
3. Watch live online:
If you have direct questions on the forum, questions you would like to see addressed by the candidates, please be in touch with me at by Tuesday.
We hope you can join us in person or online for this important event.
My best,
PS Please follow the link below for a sample ballot which includes the language for all the ballot questions:
Ward 5:
Ward 6:
Mar 6, 2025, 6 to 8 PM
Live Jazz!Mar 6, 2025, 6 to 8 PM
Registration Open at Stepping Stones Children's CenterMar 8, 2025, 10 AM to 12 PM