Winooski Youth Baseball League Registrations

Past event
Mar 1, 12 PM to 12 PM, Mar 8, 2023

Winooski Little League and Babe Ruth Baseball. – Online registrations is currently open, see our website address below, open the link and you will need register and set up your account to register your child and also to volunteer as Head Coach, Assistant or Team Manager. Fees for Little League are $50 for one player, family will be $90.00, Babe Ruth Baseball 13–18-year-old fee is $75.00, will have the option to pay with either a Visa/Master Card or pay with check and mail to me. Let me know if you have any issues, after March 31st, late fee of $10 will be added. Winooski Little League and Babe Ruth is open to all Winooski Residences and anyone who attends St. Francis School and the Winooski School System that may reside outside of our city boundaries. Website Address: . For more information contact Jeffrey Brosseau at 802-233-5530,

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