City of Barre Development Review Board Agenda

Past event
Mar 2, 2023, 7 PM

Regular Hearing held on Thursday, March 2, 2023 ~ 7:00 P.M.
Hybrid Meeting (In-person and Virtual)

Meeting ID: 849 7283 0621 ~ Passcode: 445631
Dial by your location: +1 929 205 6099 US (New York; long distance, charges may apply)

1. Call to Order 7:00 pm
2. Adjustments to the Agenda
3. Visitors and Communications
4. Old Business

- Consideration of Minutes from January 5, 2023 Hearing
- Consideration of Decision from January 5, 2023 Hearing

5. New Business

Trustees of the Barre Lodge #1535, Benevolent & Protective Order of the Elks, 10 Jefferson Street. Continuation to seek approval to construct a patio next to the building on the Jefferson Street side; UC-2 Zoning District, Design Review Overlay District.

Gloucester Associates, Inc. [DMS Machining & Fabrication], 10 Transport Drive. Seeks height variance for a flagpole in the front yard. Industrial Zone District.

Vermont Granite Museum of Barre, Inc., 56 Depot Square. Subdivision of property into two parcels, seeking sketch plan approval. UC-1 Zone District, AE Special Flood Hazard Area, Historic Overlay District, Design Review Overlay District, Designated Downtown District, Barre Downtown Historic District.

6. Deliberative Session
7. Other Business – as needed
8. Roundtable – as needed
9. Executive Session – as needed
10. Adjourn

Participation Note: Under Chapter 117 Title 24 of the Vermont State Statutes, participation in these proceedings is a prerequisite to the right to make any subsequent appeal. You will lose the right to appeal the final decision unless you participate in the process by offering, through oral or written testimony, evidence or a statement of concern related to the application being reviewed. Oral testimony must be given at the public hearing. Written testimony must be submitted prior to the close of the public hearing.

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