Windham Southeast Supervisory Union's Candidate Forum

Past event
Feb 27, 2023, 6:30 to 8 PM

There will be a School Board Candidates' Forum held on Zoom on Monday, February 27th from 6:30-8:00 PM. If you don't know the candidates running. please tune in to this Forum before voting in order to understand who will better represent your Town. There are only two towns that have contested races: Dummerston has one position open and Brattleboro has two positions open. If you don't know the candidates, you could contact someone who does, to gain more knowledge. Since we are now a merged district, everyone votes on all the town's candidates, and we often do not know the other Town's candidates. Both the Reformer and the Commons have articles on all candidates. Early voting has already begun. You can get a ballot now at the Town Office or vote in person now or on Town Meeting Day.

Forum login and election details:

Please get informed and VOTE!

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