Bond Article Warning

Past event
Feb 27, 2023, 6 PM


The legal voters of the Town of Calais are hereby notified and warned to meet at the Calais Elementary School in Calais at 321 Lightening Ridge Road, on TUESDAY, MARCH 7, 2023, beginning at seven O'Clock in the forenoon (7:00 AM) when the polls will open, and seven O'Clock in the afternoon (7:00 PM) when the polls will close, to vote by Australian ballot on the following Article of business:

ARTICLE 20. Shall general obligation bonds of the Town of Calais in an amount not to exceed Four Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars ($450,000), subject to reduction from available state or federal grants or other financial assistance, be issued for the purpose of renovation of the Curtis Pond Dam to State dam safety standards, the estimated total cost of which is $700,000?

A public informational meeting will be held on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2023, at the Town Hall (located at 1662 Kent Hill Rd.) in the Town of Calais beginning at six O'Clock in the afternoon (6:00 PM) to learn about and discuss the foregoing project and ballot Article.

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