Calling all community members, visitors, friends and families! Join us for a Community Fun Night fundraiser at Orchard School – Friday July 11th – 5 til 8 pm. Proceeds from this event benefit the "Get On The Bus" campaign - hosted by School's Out, Big Picture and Common Roots.
The evening will include tons of activities for kids
Large Inflatable Obstacle Course
Live Blues Band
HUGE silent auction and Raffle
American Flatbread Dinner available for purchase- proceeds benefit the campaign
Admission is $5 for adults and free for kids. All proceeds go towards the campaign.
If you have already donated….Wow and Thanks!!!
If you are not able to join us on July 11th, would you help us by getting on indiegogo to support our GET ON THE BUS campaign?
We also need YOUR help passing the word on!!! This is big work to date and we are moving towards the home stretch!!!
Bring your friends! We'll see you there.