Wednesday Afternoon Music at Rabble Rouser

Past event
Mar 1, 2023, 2:30 to 4 PM

Live Music!

Some of you have heard me and Grant Orenstein play music, online, in front of Wilaiwan's on State Street, or opening my storytelling show at Lost Nation Theater. (Some of you have also heard me play by myself or with Leanne, or Ethan, etc)

Well, online is ok but Not The Same as LIve, and it's too cold for street music, so we've moved indoors, at Rabble Rouser, on Wednesday afternoons, 2:30 to 4:00. No charge, drop by for a bit, have a cuppa. Tip if you want, no judgement if you don't.

The music is traditional Irish and Americana., tunes and songs, concertina and guitar.

This is an expriment. If people start dropping by, or even if they don't if it stays fun, the plan is to keep it going for awhile.

Drop by! Have a cuppa! afternoon tea, afternoon coffee break, it's both refreshing and traditional!

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Rabble-Rouser Chocolate & Craft Co, Main Street, Montpelier, VT

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