On Wednesday February 22 at 5:30, an Ash Wednesday service will take place downstairs in Willard Hall, whose outdoor entrance is down the wooden stairway at the rear at St. Luke's Episcopal Church, 313 Main Street, Chester, VT. The service will offer the Ash Wednesday liturgy with Holy Eucharist, hymns, and an optional imposition of ashes.
Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent, when Christians gather to begin a Lenten fast of 40 days, which do not include Sundays. The term "fast" refers not specifically to favorite food we might give up, but rather to any activity or busyness of mind and heart that would set up a barrier to the realization of God's spirit working within us. Thus, it includes not simply what we "give up for Lent," but rather what we take on and how we open ourselves to God and his will for us.
Ashes offered are signs of our mortality and thus of our giving up of barriers and controls we might erect. Those who wish the ashes will be invited forward for their imposition. For further information please visit www.stlukesepiscopalvt.org.
Feb 26, 2025, 2 to 4 PM
Reading Town Meeting Potluck BreakfastMar 1, 2025, 8 to 9 AM
Weathersfield School District Annual MeetingMar 1, 2025, 10 AM to 12 PM