CCF Men's Breakfast: Farther Son/Daughter Relationships

Past event
Feb 18, 2023, 7 AM

CCF would like to invite you to our monthly men's breakfast at the church in Cambridge Vermont across from Kinney Drugs at 7AM on February 18th. Jim Jasmin will be the host and the topic for this month's gathering will be "Breaking Down the Barriers That Hinder a Good Father-Son or Father-Daughter Relationship". Some of us have very fond memories of our fathers while others have had many struggles including abuse (physical or mental), beatings, or abandonment. This relationship was intended to be fostering, uplifting, and loving, but something when wrong along the way. Jim will be giving a personal testimonial of his relationship with his father as well as show a video of a gentleman who had a miraculous healing between himself and his abusive dad.

Breakfast and coffee will be provided free of charge. Plan on attending and bring a friend!

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