Selectboard Meeting Agenda

Past event
Feb 13, 2023, 7 PM

Selectboard Regular Meeting Agenda
Monday, February 13, 2023 at 7:00 PM
Location: Calais Town Hall (note no Zoom option)

PLEASE NOTE: Agenda items may be taken up earlier than noted if the 15 minutes set aside for public comment is not used, or if other items are completed more quickly than anticipated.

7:00 PM
● Call to Order
● Additions/Changes to the Agenda
● Review and Sign Warrants

7:00 PM - Public Comment (for items not on the agenda)

7:15 PM - Consent Agenda #1 – ACTION ITEMS
- Sign Shade Tree Plan
- Reappointments – all for one year, all terms end March 2023:
Central VT. Solid Waste Management District – Bill Powell (Calais rep.)
Town Energy Coordinator – Bill Powell
7:16 Consent Agenda #2 – ACTION ITEM
Appoint Sharon Winn Fannon to continue as selectboard point person for East Calais Community Trust grant administration, until a new Selectboard appoints someone

7:20 PM – Review Proposed Revisions to Curb Cut Ordinance – Stephanie Kaplan, Chair Conservation Commission – DISCUSSION ONLY

7:50 PM – Review Historic timeline on Calais Road and Bridge Standards; (Stephanie Kaplan, Denise Wheeler) – DISCUSSION ONLY

8:00 PM – Interview Second Constable volunteer – Riley Cook – POSSIBLE ACTION

8:10 PM – Town Meeting – Discussion
* Town Moderator, Gus Seelig

8:28 PM – Schedule Information Meeting on Curtis Pond bond vote warned for Town Meeting ballot (proposed meeting 6:30 PM February 27) – ACTION ITEM

8:30 PM -- Emergency Management - Action Items
- Sign Facility Use Agreement (FUA) with Red Cross for managing a shelter at the Town Hall – Nick Emlen
- Consider and approve request for increased ARPA funds for Town grant match from $16,092 to $21,463, for generators at Town Hall and Maple Corner Community Center

8:35 PM Traffic Control Ordinance Proposal – Reduce County Road
Speed Limit – DISCUSSION ITEM -- John

8:45 PM - Roads Report – Rick – INFORMATION ONLY

8:50 PM – Grants Management Update with Donna Fitch
- Kent Hill Culvert project -- Approve Central Vermont Regional Planning Commission (CVRPC) grant management agreement for scoping study funded through Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) grant; CVRPC management cost $1,996 – ACTION ITEM
– Moscow Woods project -- Approve Request for Reimbursement grant form – ACTION ITEM

8:50 PM -- Board round-robin on items of old business and other business
• Update on dam insurance from PACIF
8:55 PM – Review future agenda items
9:00 PM – Potential Executive Session under 1 VSA § 313(a)
- Attorney Client privileged information 1 VSA § 313(a)(1)
- Appointment or employment of a public office or employee
under 1 VSA § 313(a)(3)
Other personnel under 1 VSA § 313(a)(3)


February 27, 2022
● Appointments/Reappointments
● Junk Ordinance – John B. draft letter to ANR
● Curb Cut Application (NEEDED) and Curb Cut Application Assessment Form (new) (Sharon/Denise) – ACTION ITEM (Curb Cut Materials at this link; CC has requested input)
● Curtis Pond swim area railing – Linda Schutz (February 2023)

Future Agenda Items
● Curtis Pond Dam planning – possible executive session
● East Montpelier and Woodbury Fire Department
- Budget; incentive for Calais residents to volunteer
- Sage Kennedy volunteer project update
● Meet Sheriff Elect Marc Poulin & future patrol service plans
• Woodbury Volunteer Fire Dept. – meet new President
● Planning commission present changes to Zoning Regulations – moved from September 26 agenda; date TBD depending on completion of planning commission's work; note: SB has 120 days (4 months) to complete its process, once received from Planning Commission
● Highway Capital Plan – Rick
● Immunizing Ash Trees – Rick/Neal Maker
● Luce Road Easements

Review and Update Existing Policies and Ordinances
● Traffic Ordinance – Rick
● Personnel Policy – Sharon/Denise
● Job Descriptions Review and Update – Sharon/Denise
● Conflict of Interest Policy (Conflict of Interest Background)
● Enterprise-wide information sharing (enterprise-based folders, email, etc. – instead of individual google)

Create Ordinance/Policy
● Junk Ordinance – requested (John Brabant)
● Property Drainage into Roadway Ordinance

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