Mardi Gras Party!

Past event
Feb 17, 2023, 6 to 8 PM

You are cordially invited to a Mardi Gras Party, February, 17th, 6-8pm in Leland & Gray's Dutton Gym! Join us for an evening of New Orleans inspired fun and to learn about what's happening with Leland & Gray's Journey Away (formerly Journey East) program. Family & friends welcome! This is a drug and alcohol free event.

Journey Away students are raising money for a field study to look at the impact of climate related disasters across the country. We will travel by train, first to New York City, and 36 hours on Amtrak to New Orleans, exploring the impact of big storms and collecting oral histories and vox pop style interviews with folks we meet along the way.

On Feb 17th, join us for cajun inspired drinks & snacks and *win a prize* if you get the baby in the King Cake! See what's on our itinerary for NYC & NOLA and make a donation to one of the various experiences we have lined up. Hear from students about what they are most excited for and how they imagine this trip might be transformative. We will have a listening booth to collect your stories of travel and / or climate disasters and also a small silent auction.

We want to give a big THANK YOU to The Stratton Foundation, Vermont Folklife, and The West River Education District for their support! If you are unable to make it, you are welcome to make a donation to our online fundraising platform at

It should be a fun night, for a great cause, and we hope you will join us!

For more information, please contact Jessa Harger, Journey Away Director, at

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Leland & Gray Union Middle and High School, Vermont 30, Townshend, VT

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