"Memorial Service" put on by the Cares and Concerns Committee
The Cares and Concerns Committee of MMUUF will be hosting a memorial service honoring our beloved dead. Members and guests will have an opportunity to remember a beloved one no longer with us. This could be a person, or dog or cat, or any creature that caused your heart to swell with grief. Folks are asked to bring some items for our beloved dead altar, even if they aren't speaking. But we would love to have people, members or guests, share a two or three minute memory of whoever you are honoring. Children may also share before they leave for Religious Education classes. It will be received with respect and love.
Mount Mansfield Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Sunday Services - Worship, reflect, and sustain one another, within an inclusive spiritual community, built on values of honoring and affirming the worth of every person, striving for justice, participating in the world community, and respecting the natural web of existence. Please email info@mmuuf.org for how to attend on Zoom or come join us at the Barn. Masks are welcome but not required. Learn more: http://www.mmuuf.org and www.uua.org.
Feb 1, 2025, 12:30 to 2 PM
Volunteer Opportunity Hinesburg Area Recreation TrailsFeb 1, 2025, 12:30 to 3 PM
Special 3-Week Gentle Yoga for BeginnersFeb 3, 2025, 7 to 8:15 PM