Come See If Vermont Commons is Right for Your Kid

Past event
Feb 19, 2023, 1 to 2 PM

Vermont Commons School
Winter Open House
February 19th, 1:00pm

Do you have a rising 6th through 12th grader, and are looking for an amazing school? Come to the VCS open house next Sunday the 19th.

My kid started there in seventh grade, and he is thriving. The school is small, with ridiculous amounts of individual teacher attention and feedback, and they do a stunning job at cultivating community in every nook and cranny of the school - the way the schedule is set up, the way that overlap across grades encouraged, the way that everyone is made to feel so very welcome.

Growing up in NYC, I was a public school kid, and always assumed that my kids would only go to public school. And then the pandemic happened and everything changed! And my wallet is a lot lighter, but my son has truly found his home, and a place to figure out who he is right now and who he wants to be in the world. And that is priceless.

If you are interested, I'm happy to talk about the school further (just hit reply), or better yet, go to the open house on the 19th.

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Vermont Commons School, Green Mountain Drive, South Burlington, VT

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