Happy 2023! My name is Jessica Groeling, a Milton on the Move volunteer for the past year. We are gearing up for an exciting 2023 and I wanted to take an opportunity to update you on the upcoming Develop a Downtown Core 2023 Strategy. As a volunteer I recognize that your time is valuable and we appreciate your continued support and patience as we learn to navigate the Milton on the Move Initiative. Thank you!
Last year when the Milton on the Move Downtown Task Force was created, we (MOTM and Town of Milton) applied for a Unified Planning Grant through The Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission (CCRPC), https://www.ccrpcvt.org/. The purpose of this grant application is to achieve several of the Action Steps identified in the Milton on the Move- Community Visit Report and Action Plan that was produced in March 2022. These ideas, visions and goals were captured by the Vermont Council on Rural Development (VCRD) https://www.vtrural.org/ during community forums and Milton on the Move meetings.
This past December, the CCRPC notified us that we (MOTM and Town of Milton) were awarded the Unified Planning Grant! Great News! This is an opportunity for our Task Force to come together and discuss specific task outlined in the scope of work for the Unified Planning Grant!
I hope that you will join us for a Zoom meeting Wednesday, February 8th, at 6:30 pm. The Scope of work for the Unified Planning Grant will be shared along with previous documents that we have reviewed this year. Past studies that will be reviewed for highlights include:
• Town of Milton Core Mater Plan https://www.miltonvt.gov/DocumentCenter/View/289/Town-Core-Master-Plan-2000-PDF
• Town Core Streetscape and Accessibility (2007) https://www.miltonvt.gov/DocumentCenter/View/316/Milton-Town-Core-Streetscape-Design-Study-2[...]Id=
• Route 7 Milton Corridor Study (2016) https://www.ccrpcvt.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/US7_MiltonCorridorStudy_FinalReport_20161[...]pdf
We will share the meeting event on our Facebook page- https://www.facebook.com/groups/1045683539358827
Jessica Groeling is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting
Topic: Milton on the Move- Downtown Core Unified Grant Meeting
Time: Feb 8, 2023 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 817 5825 6418
Passcode: 0217
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